SMARTAGEING – Decision Support System for Ageing White Port Wine

The SMARTAGEING project led by WINEGRID with the participation of Vallegre , Vinhos do Porto, S.A. involves researchers from the Laboratory of Food and Wine Chemistry of CQVR (Vila Real’s Chemistry Centre), from CITAB (Agroenvironmental and Biological Research and Technology Centre) and from INESC TEC (Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science) pole of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, showing complementary competencies, in a multidisciplinary team versed in fields such as electronics, automation, information technology, physics and chemistry, which ensure the response to the needs of the project.
The production of White Port, like other categories of Port, requires a high investment, logistics and labour requirement, which restrict the profitability of the product.
The aim of the SMARTAGEING project is to increase the predictability of the ageing process, to improve the ability to control the evolution and quality of white port in real-time, and also to act on crucial parameters in this process.
The monitoring solution will involve sensors capable of acquiring parameters considered essential for the ageing process (turbidity, color, pH, dissolved O2), with the ability to act simultaneously, in real-time, on critical variables (dissolved O2 and temperature) with the ultimate goal of optimizing this process, and allowing the achievement of a consistent quality of the final product.
The acquired data will be used for the creation of predictive models, in conjunction with a detailed chemical and sensory wine analysis.
(EN content only)